Machine Learning in Systems and Network Security

Dive into the complex intersection of machine learning and cybersecurity with this course, carefully designed for both computer science and data science students. The course kicks off with an in-depth understanding of machine learning fundamentals, cybersecurity, and deep learning principles. We will then explore how machine learning algorithms can be leveraged to address prevalent cybersecurity issues, such as malware detection, spam filtering, anomaly detection, incident response, and credit card fraud prevention. Additionally, we’ll delve into complex areas such as adversarial and backdoor attacks on machine learning systems and discuss the security aspects of large language models like ChatGPT.


Basic ML and programming

Course Objectives

  • Understand and Analyze: Understand state of the art in machine learning and cybersecurity, particularly in deep learning applications for threat detection, forensic investigation, and systems security. Analyze and interpret technical research papers in these fields.

  • Application of Techniques: Understand and apply suitable machine learning algorithms for specific cybersecurity threats such as credit card fraud, malware, spam, anomaly detection, and incident response. This includes being able to extract essential features, preprocess data, and identify suitable machine learning algorithms.

  • Recognize and Address ML Security Issues: Recognize the security issues inherent in machine learning, especially in the context of deep learning. This includes understanding and addressing adversarial and backdoor attacks and the security aspects of large language models like ChatGPT.

Grading Breakdown

  • Assignments/Labs (60%): 4 assignments, spread across the course, focusing on the application of machine learning techniques in cybersecurity scenarios.

  • Research Paper Presentations (20%): Each student will present a total of 2 research papers over the course of the semester. These presentations, lasting between 30-40 minutes each, are an opportunity to delve into and analyze cutting-edge research in the field. This component is designed to broaden your exposure to contemporary developments and sharpen your analytical and presentation skills.

  • Participation (20%): Engagement in class discussions, case study debates, etc.

Research Paper Presentations Rubric

  • Duration, Structure, and Content (80%): The presentation should last 35-40 minutes and be well-structured, including sections on background, motivation/problem statement, design/methodology, and evaluation results. The content should demonstrate a thorough understanding, with accurate and relevant information throughout.

  • Clarity and Critical Analysis (10%): Information should be presented clearly. The final slide must present 3-4 discussion points (weaknesses, strengths, etc.) to encourage engagement and demonstrate the ability to analyze and critique the topic effectively.

  • Engagement and Response to Questions (10%): Demonstrates readiness and the ability to thoughtfully respond to questions.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to be familiar with the university honor code, including the section on academic fraud (

  • Students are encouraged to discuss programs in general and to help one another find bugs in existing programs. However, using another’s code or writing code for someone else is cheating and a violation of the University’s Honor System. This includes consulting solutions to assignments from previous years or tests from previous years. Keep code listings to provide evidence of your creative development.
  • Unless otherwise noted, exams and individual assignments will be considered pledged that you have neither given nor received help. This means that you are not allowed to describe problems on an exam, assignment, or project to a student who has not taken it yet. You are also not allowed to show exam papers to another student or view another student’s exam papers while working on an exam.
  • Sending, receiving, or otherwise copying or describing the contents of electronic files that are part of course assignments are not allowed collaborations (except for those explicitly allowed in assignment instructions).
  • Assignments or exams where honor infractions or prohibited collaborations occur will receive a zero grade for that entire assignment or exam. Such infractions will also be submitted to the Honor Committee, if appropriate.

If you have questions on what is allowable, please ask!

Special Accommodations

The University of Virginia strives to provide accessibility to all students. If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning in this course, please feel welcome to discuss your concerns with us.

If you require an accommodation to fully access this course, please contact the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC) at (434) 243-5180 or [email protected]. If you are unsure if you require an accommodation, to request official accommodations, or to learn more about their services, you may contact the SDAC at the number above or by visiting their website at

If you have already been approved for accommodations through SDAC, please make sure to send us your accommodation letter and meet with us so we can develop an implementation plan together.

Religious Accommodations

Students who wish to request academic accommodation for a religious observance should submit their request to the instructors by email as far in advance as possible. If you have questions or concerns about your request, you can contact the University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) at [email protected] or 434-924-3200. Accommodations do not relieve you of the responsibility for completion of any part of the coursework you miss as the result of a religious observance.

Discrimination and Violence

The University of Virginia is dedicated to providing a safe and equitable learning environment for all students. To that end, it is vital that you know two values that the University and I hold as critically important:

  • Power-based personal violence will not be tolerated.
  • Everyone has a responsibility to do their part to maintain a safe community on Grounds.
  • Everyone is expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times.

If you or someone you know has been affected by power-based personal violence, more information can be found on the UVA Sexual Violence website that describes reporting options and resources available www.virginia. edu/sexualviolence. As your professor, know that I care about you and your well-being and stand ready to provide support and resources as I can. As a faculty member, I am designated responsible employee, which means that I am required by University policy and federal law to report what you tell me to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator’s job is to ensure that the reporting student receives the resources and support that they need, while also reviewing the information presented to determine whether further action is necessary to ensure survivor safety and the safety of the University community. If you wish to report something that you have seen, use the Just Report It portal ( The worst possible situation would be for you or your friend to remain silent when there are so many here willing and able to help.

Ethics Statement

This course includes topics related to computer security and privacy. As part of this investigation, we may cover technologies whose abuse could infringe on the rights of others. As computer scientists, we rely on the ethical use of these technologies. Unethical use includes circumvention of an existing security or privacy mechanisms for any purpose, or the dissemination, promotion, or exploitation of vulnerabilities of these services. Any activity outside the letter or spirit of these guidelines will be reported to the proper authorities and may result in dismissal from the class and possibly more severe academic and legal sanctions.


I trust every student in this course to fully comply with all of the provisions of the University’s Honor Code. By enrolling in this course, you have agreed to abide by and uphold the Honor System of the University of Virginia, as well as the following policies specific to this course.

  • All graded assignments must be pledged.
  • All suspected violations will be forwarded to the Honor Committee, and you may, at my discretion, receive an immediate zero on that assignment regardless of any action taken by the Honor Committee.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the course Honor policy. If you believe you may have committed an Honor Offense, you may wish to file a Conscientious Retraction by calling the Honor Offices at (434) 924-7602. For your retraction to be considered valid, it must, among other things, be filed with the Honor Committee before you are aware that the act in question has come under suspicion by anyone. More information can be found at Your Honor representatives can be found at: